Age & Residency verification

By clicking ENTER you are verifying that you are of legal age to purchase alcohol in your country of residence and in the country for which you are accessing the site. Your Country of Residence is the United Kingdom.

Please drink alcohol responsibly.

Say NO! if you are driving.

Spring & Summer Favourites back in stock!

Calling all gin fans, experts, connoisseurs…whatever you want to call yourselves….we are looking for people who enjoy drinking and sampling spirits (moderately) to join our research panel.

You must be over 21 years old and available monthly to test and review sample products we send you.

We will send you complimentary 5cl samples to try in your own home and then you will be asked to feedback to Keepr’s via an online survey.

A total of 25 panel members will be carefully selected for product testing to ensure there is no bias. If you think you might be interested and have the time to take part, please fill out the application form below:


By Caroline Kalu 0 comment


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