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By clicking ENTER you are verifying that you are of legal age to purchase alcohol in your country of residence and in the country for which you are accessing the site. Your Country of Residence is the United Kingdom.

Please drink alcohol responsibly.

Say NO! if you are driving.

Spring & Summer Favourites back in stock!

While we’re passionate about great tasting spirits, we also know that taking an alcohol break, or drinking more mindfully, is definitely good for you every so often and this month’s Sober October is an excellent reason to get started. Set up as a fundraising initiative by Macmillan Cancer Support, it encourages you to go sober for part or all of the month and raise money for people with cancer at the same time. It’s also a fantastic opportunity to work towards your post-lockdown health goals.

To help you break your favourite drinking habits (yes, we know it’s easier said than done), we’ve put together a helpful guide to how to successfully take an alcohol break.

Swop your favourite tipple for an alcohol-free version

Going booze free doesn’t mean missing out on your favourite tipple. Much of the appeal of a G&T can be found in an alcohol-free version. Take our Keepr’s Ultra Low Alcohol G&T Flavoured Drink. It packs the punch of an excellent G&T but without the alcohol. Infused with 12 carefully balanced botanicals and our signature 100% British honey from our own hives, it combines the complexity of juniper and citrus and natural quinine to deliver the flavour of a classic gin and tonic.

alcohol free gin

Get creative with your drinks’ menu

The saying ‘we eat with our eyes’ holds true to drinks too. Putting a plain glass of water in front of someone isn’t going to set their heart racing but add in some citrus and cucumber slices and it instantly becomes more appealing. Dial up the interest on your alcohol-free options by researching some new and exciting cocktail or garnish ideas. The images alone of cocktails on mindful drinking website La Maison Wellness, we have you salivating, or check out some of our followers’ G&T garnish suggestions on these Instagram and Facebook posts.

Think of all the reasons why having an alcohol break is beneficial

Drinkaware lists numerous reasons for cutting down on alcohol from having a clearer head and more energy to better sleep and weight loss. If you got into some bad habits during lockdown, then this may just be the right time to set the reset button on your habits and after Sober October is over, build some alcohol breaks into your weekly routine.

If all else fails…
Remind yourself that you are doing this for charity. Even your most annoying friend isn’t going to throw scorn at you for not drinking when you’re doing it for a good reason.

We always encourage people to drink responsibility and within the recommended daily guidelines.
By Caroline Kalu 0 comment


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