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Spring & Summer Favourites back in stock!

Dodd’s Organic Gin picked up a silver and two bronze accolades for its taste, value and design in the 2022 Bartender Brand Awards.

Now in its fifth year, the event is a blind tasting, design and value-tested competition judged by some of the most renowned names in the UK bar industry.

Dodd’s Organic Gin was bestowed with a bronze award for its aroma, complexity, taste and versatility in cocktails, bronze for its value for money and silver for its creative design, back-bar appeal and functionality, including shape, size, weight and ease of pouring.

Stuart Fritz, Dodd’s Commercial Director, said: “We are delighted that Dodd’s has been recognised for its excellence in both taste and design by people within the industry.

“Dodd’s Organic Gin is a timeless spirit with contemporary flair which can stand on its own in a G&T or work beautifully in a cocktail. To have the backing of leading UK bartenders is an honour for the brand.”

Dodd’s Organic Gin is a juniper-forward gin, certified organic by The Soil Association – a recognised and trusted mark of organic certification internationally. The lion’s share of its organic ingredients are distilled in a traditional alembic copper still while the more delicate botanicals are reserved for our state-of-the-art cold vacuum still. The two spirits are then married for several weeks before being bottled.

This award follow’s Dodd’s Organic Gin’s success in the 2020 Spirits Business blind tasting, 2020 London Spirits Competition and 2020 International Wine and Spirits Competition.

In celebration of its success, we teamed up with Aaron Wall of HomeBoy Bars – number 14 in the Top 50 Cocktail Bars list for 2022 - who has created this signature cocktail, Saturn, using another gin from the range - Dodd’s Explorer’s Citrus & Spice Organic Gin - which is made with Dodd’s Organic Gin for its base.

50ml Dodd's Explorer’s Citrus & Spice Organic Gin
10ml Falurnum
10ml Orgeat
10ml Passionfruit syrup
20ml Lemon

Shake all the ingredients together over ice and strain into a chilled coupe glass.


By Caroline Kalu 0 comment


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