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Save the Bees

At the British Honey Company, we are passionate about raising awareness of the plight of the honeybee. Bee populations are declining all over the world, threatened by habitat loss, pollution and the use of pesticides. As important pollinators of the food we eat – more than 75% of the world’s food crops depend upon bees – ensuring the sustainability of the species is something we can all play a part in.

Since 2017, we have been members of the Bee Farmers Association, championing British beekeeping through the use of 100% pure British honey in our Keepr’s honey infused spirits. This honey is made by British bees who have gathered pollen from a wonderful mix of blossoms from all over Britain and is regularly tested at our in-house laboratory to ensure its provenance. Local beekeepers work hard to care for their bees and supporting them has a positive impact on the survival of the species.

How you can help

There are many small ways in which you can help reverse bees’ decline. Here’s how…

  1. Buy local, raw honey
    Support British beekeepers by buying their locally produced honey. This means they can maintain more hives, nurture their bees and allow these insects to do what they do best - produce honey. Bees often make more honey than they need, especially if they are given sufficient space to store it.
  2. Plant a diverse range of native plants in your garden which flower at different times of year
    Bees feed on the nectar and pollen of flowers and are attracted to them by their colourful petals and scent. Bees can see purple more clearly than any other colour, which is why bluebells, lavender, sweet peas, hardy geraniums, alliums and cornflower are some of the plants they love the most. They are not picky though and are still attracted to other colours.
  3. Avoid using chemicals in your gardens
    Pesticides, fertilisers, herbicides, and neonicotinoids are all harmful to bees. Instead try organic products to aid growth and keep pests away and ask at your garden centre for flowers that haven’t been pre-treated with neonicotinoids.
  4. Change your gardening habits
    Mow less so wildflowers and flowering weeds have a chance to grow, and bees have access to a food meadow. White clover, dandelions and daisies support many different species of bees.
  5. Learn more about bees so you can raise awareness of how to help them and, for those who are scared of bees, conquer your fear. Bees are not aggressive insects and do not go after humans unprovoked.
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