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International Wine and Spirit Competition (IWSC) recognises excellence of Keepr’s Lemon & Pepper London Dry Gin and New Make Single Malt

It was celebrations all round after Keepr's Distillers Special Edition, Lemon & Pepper London Dry Gin was awarded a gold medal by the IWSC and its New Make Single Malt achieved a silver award.

The IWSC is the longest running wine and spirits competition in the world, now in its 50th year. It follows a rigorous judging process with more than 400 global experts judging products over a seven-month period.

Keepr’s CEO Michael Williams said: “We are thrilled to receive this international recognition for the second time this year. Both these spirits also received accolades at the San Francisco World Spirits Competition and we are extremely pleased that the quality, taste and craftmanship of our spirits have been honoured again in this way.”

As a gold medal winner, Keepr’s Lemon & Pepper London Dry Gin will be presented for tasting at the IWSC awards ceremony – the Oscars of the wine and spirit industry - at London’s Guildhall on November 28.

Juniper, coriander, cardamom, dried and fresh lemons are expertly distilled with Cubeb, Moudulkiri Red, Vietnamese Long Red and rare Wild Forest peppers handpicked from the Chu Lai region of Vietnam to make Keepr’s Lemon & Pepper London Dry Gin.

Michael added: “The Lemon & Pepper gin has a wonderfully fresh and clean taste with a twizzle of British honey from our own hives and a sublimely cleansing pepper finish.”

It is not the first time Keepr’s spirits have received recognition. The New Make Single Malt won a silver medal at the San Francisco World Spirits Competition in April and the Lemon & Pepper London Dry Gin took home the bronze. Its 1606 Premium London Dry Gin has also previously won a gold award at the IWSC and The International Spirit Challenge while its Classic London Dry Gin with Cotswold Honey is a bronze award winner of The London Spirits Competition.

By Caroline Kalu 0 comment


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