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Pure honey which has not been heated, pasteurised, clarified or filtered in any way retains more of the nutrients that promote good health. It is a natural sweetener and when added to food or drinks you get the sweet flavour plus its vitamins, minerals and natural antioxidants which you don’t get with processed sugars. As with all things, eating it in moderation is key, but if you are looking to cut down on sugars in your diet, but not lose the flavour then honey is a great alternative.

Here’s five ways you can add honey to your everyday meals:

1. Power up your breakfast by making your own granola with nuts, seeds, coconut, a dried fruit of your choice, rolled oats, a sprinkle of cinnamon and honey. Mix together and bake in the oven till nicely toasted. Serve with natural yoghurt and some fresh fruit. If you prefer, you can add the honey to the yoghurt instead of the granola.

2. Swop your jam for some Wildflower Honey drizzled on your toast, muffins or crumpets. Its sweet and fruity taste is delicious when added to baked goods for an afternoon put-your-feet-up kind of treat.

3. Tea and honey are a perfect match. Antioxidants in 100% honey fight disease. Boost your intake by adding a small amount to your cuppa. Different honeys suit different teas, but we’d recommend Blueberry Honey for its high antioxidant content and its rich taste.

Honey tea
4. Honey pairs well with lamb, chicken and salmon and can be used to make marinades or glazes. It works particularly well with a roast lamb (see our recipe here), when barbecuing chicken or used with soy and chilli over salmon.

Honey-glazed roast leg of lamb
5. Lift your salads with a speedy honey dressing. Many combinations work but balsamic honey, honey and lemon and honey mustard dressings are some of our favourites. Borage honey is an all-round honey so will combine well with any of these and your salad ingredients.

Discover our range of honeys here.

By Caroline Kalu 0 comment


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