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Spring & Summer Favourites back in stock!

Spiced Rum Old Fashioned

Spiced Rum Old Fashioned

Born in America in the 1800s and arguably one of the world’s first mixed cocktails, the Old Fashioned has stood the test of time. Traditionally made with bourbon, or rye whisky, we’ve decided to spice things up a little. Our Spiced Rum provides a sweet and warming edge to this deliciously simple cocktail.



50ml Two Birds Spiced Rum

1/2 Teaspoon brown sugar

1 Teaspoon water

2-3 Dashes of Angostura bitters

  • Into a rocks glass, add the sugar, Angostura bitters and water and stir until the sugar dissolves.
  • Fill the glass with large ice cubes and add the Spiced Rum.
  • Stir gently for approximately 30 seconds. Run some orange peel around the glass, then twist and add as a garnish.


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