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Spring & Summer Favourites back in stock!

Sloe Gin Hot Toddy

Sloe Gin Hot Toddy

Does anything say 'winter' quite like a Hot Toddy? Warming water, soothing honey and our deliciously fruity Two Birds Sloe Gin



30ml Two Birds Sloe Gin

80g Fresh blackberries

2 tsp Honey

Hot water

Sprigs of rosemary and extra whole blackberries to serve (optional)

  • Place the blackberries with 20ml of hot water into a bowl and mash up the berries.
  • Sieve the mixture into a clean jug, using a wooden spoon to push through as much juice as you can.
  • Add the honey to the blackberry juice and mix well.
  • Divide the sweetened blackberry juice between two tall mugs or double walled glasses.
  • Add your sloe gin to each glass and then top up with hot water and stir.
  • Decorate each glass with sprigs of rosemary and a blackberry or two.


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