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Maturation Kit

Mature your own Keepr’s Honey New Make 
In this kit, you’ll find a 3 litre French Limousine Oak barrel with rack, one container of white malt new make spirit, certificate of authenticity (signed, numbered and dated by the Master Distiller), Keepr’s mature Honey, funnel, pipette, and protective glasses. 
Oak Barrel 
Made from French Limousine Oak, with rack. The barrels interior is lightly toasted and external of the barrel raw. This barrels has the same coopering as a profile barrel and therefore ideal for maturation of whisky. The fact that these barrels are made from new Oak means that the first fill will be incredibly powerful in terms of Oak influence. You’ll be able to re-use the barrel at least two more times before the oak influence wanes. You can re-order more white whisky from us. Alternatively, try ageing vodka, gin or white rum, the process is quicker and will take about 12 weeks. 
White New Make Spirit 
Keepr’s are providing white new make spirit (unfinished product on its way to becoming grown-up whisky) made entirely from 100% barley. Made to the traditional Irish triple potstill method our award winning Master Distiller has created this recipe and chosen this method specifically to create a deliciously smooth Irish style white whisky. 
We recommend that you age your whisky for a minimum of 3 years to legally become a whisky. However, you may find that due to the size of the barrel the ageing process happens quicker and at 18 months your spirit may taste the same as a 3 year old from a 200 litre barrel. This process allows you to formulate your own flavour profile, please feel free to enjoy it whenever you like. 
Mature Honey 
Mature British Woodland Honey collected from apiaries in the Forest of Dean and matured over 5 years, lightly filtered to retain all the natural goodness. The addition of 2 teaspoons of mature honey to your white whisky will give you unique honey notes and is a superior and natural alternative to the caramel usually added to many whisky brands on the market to add colour. 


1. Cure your barrel before use. Completely fill the barrel with hot water, place the bung in the bung hole and then the barrel on the rack in a water proof place. We suggest a tray with aluminium foil on (the barrel can leak water that may stain). Keep an eye on the barrel over the next 1-3 days. You may need to top up, keeping the barrel full, this will help the wood expand and become watertight. Barrels are constructed without the use of any glue, and rely on the tension/compression of the staves against the other staves/ hoops to keep them watertight. When the barrel stops leaking, the barrel is ready. These are superior barrels, and you may find there is no leaking and your barrel could be ready in less then 24 hours. 
2. Remove bung from bung hole, and empty the barrel of all the water. Wash out the barrel with cool water a few times. 
3. Put the white whisky into the barrel, using the funnel provided, always wear the protective glasses provided. The alcohol volume has been calculated so that the addition of 500ml of water of your choice, this will create the perfect strength for the maturation (ageing) process. If desired, add two teaspoons of Keepr’s Mature British Honey. This will add a natural rich colour and add honey notes complimenting your whisky to perfection. Enjoy the rest of the jar of honey on toast or with strong hard or blue cheese, nuts and dried fruit. 
4. Keep your barrel on it’s rack. If you’re keeping it at room temperature, keep a close eye on it, as you can expect the rate of evaporation from these barrels to be quite large. The reason for this is two-fold. Firstly, the surface area to volume ratio of the barrel is high, and secondly, you’re may not going to keep it at as low a temperature as you’d find in a warehouse in Ireland. We suggest a cool, dry place is the ideal climate for your barrel. 
5. When your spirit is ready (suggested 3+years), turn barrel onto its end (logo facing up). Drill a suitably sized hole (for the wooden tap provided) in the face of the barrel, just below the Keepr’s logo. Then gently hammer in the wooden tap, being careful not to split the barrel. Enjoy your whisky, how you enjoy it is completely up to you! 
If you ever find yourself in need of some more white whisky 
please contact us. 
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