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Spring & Summer Favourites back in stock!

Berry Punch Cocktail

Berry Punch Cocktail

Put a fruity spin on your gin with our Berry Punch Cocktail, bursting with five fruit flavours



100ml Keepr's British Elderberry, Mulberry & Honey Gin

7 Mint Leaves

6 Chopped Strawberries

6 Orange Slices

6 Cucumber Slices


Soda Water or Ginger Ale

  • Fill a 2 litre jug with ice

  • Add the mint leaves, strawberries, orange and cucumber

  • Add 100ml of Elderberry, Mulberry & Honey Gin and top with soda water or ginger ale.

  • Note: As a guide there should be 1 part gin to 7 parts ginger ale/soda water. 

How to make a Berry Punch

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