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BHC is now closed for Christmas! We'll be back in 2025. Thank you for your support in 2024.

Alexandre Maurice


Alex is originated from the Champagne region in France, moved to the UK in 2016 to pursue his University education in Oxford. Graduating with a double Master in Computer Science in 2017. 

In 2017, Alex joined the research and development team at Control Developments (UK) Ltd to support the software engineering team with his knowledge and understanding in C programming language. 

During Alex’s University education as part of his dissertation, he met The British Honey Company and worked alongside the founder, Michael Williams, in the development of a software application to meet food standards SALSA regulations. This project broke boundaries creating a paperless human error free cloud base system. In May 2018, Alex joined the British Honey Company to continue working on the custom made back office system to support day-to-day business processes including, BeeKeepers, Laboratory testing, Production, Sales, Logistics and Accounting.

The British Honey Company founded in 2013, is the largest supplier of a 100% British Honey. With an interest in the importance of the preservation of the British bee and the traceability of the provenance of the honey entering our food chain, Alex has developed a system tracing Honey from hive to jar to ensure quality and British origin.

Alex supports Michael Williams founder in day-to-day corporate affairs, investor relations and has recently been appointed Director of Operations.

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